It’s time for a Berlin Connecticut Property Owners Association (BCPOA)

Berlin Connecticut Property Owners Association (BCPOA)

Berlin Connecticut Property Owners Association (BCPOA)

After writing some blog entries on the property taxes imposed upon residents of Berlin, Connecticut, I have come to the realization that it is time for us homeowners and property owners to form an association so that our voices will be listened to by the members of the Berlin Town Council, by the Mayor of Berlin, Connecticut, by the Town Manager of Berlin, Connecticut, and other administrators and employees of the Town of Berlin.  If we organize, our voice will be louder and more difficult to be ignored.  If you do not like the taxes you are paying or the policies of your Town’s officials, here’s your opportunity to do something about it.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Berlin Connecticut Property Owners Association (BCPOA), just sign up by entering your name, address, email address, or whatever information you wish to provide under “Comments” underneath this blog entry so that I may follow up and contact you.  Or you may email BCPOA at:

Please be advised that there are no fees, and that I am donating my time to the organization.

I strongly believe in a democracy; however, for a democracy to exist, the members of the democracy need to fulfill certain responsibilities, including keeping up with the issues, expressing their opinions on the issues, and voting on the issues.  To that purpose, I will devote this website if enough of the residents of Berlin, Connecticut sign up and organize.

Again, by organizing, we can have a voice that cannot be ignored by our governing officials.  By organizing, we can affect the legislation that we want and need for our community.  By organizing, we are contributing to our welfare and that of our descendents.

I await your registrations.  Please join us and become a part of our association.  I will provide a listing of members and after we enlist a quorum, schedule a meeting, whether in a webconference room or at a meeting place in Berlin.

Thank you.

The Barefoot Accountant

About Connecticut Politics

William Brighenti is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, who operates a public accounting firm, Accountants CPA Hartford, Connecticut, LLC. Bill began his career in public accounting over thirty years ago. He provides a variety of accounting, tax, and QuickBooks consulting services to individuals and business across a wide spectrum of industries. Bill writes an accounting, tax, and QuickBooks blog under the penname, "The Barefoot Accountant". William Brighenti created the blog, Connecticut Politics, because of the need for a voice to cry out loud--Vox Clamantis--explaining the reasons for the terrible state of the economy in the United States as well as urging change and reform before the United States becomes a third world country.
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3 Responses to It’s time for a Berlin Connecticut Property Owners Association (BCPOA)

  1. A “Letter to the Editor” has been emailed today to the Berlin Citizen in hopes that it will publish the BCPOA’s formation and membership registration.

    Let’s hope the Berlin Citizen publishes the letter and assists the property owners in organizing into an important force in the management of our local government.

    The Barefoot Accountant

  2. Neal Maciag 296 Edgewood Rd. Kensington, CT. 06037 says:

    I am interested in being a part of the BCPOA. Please keep me posted.

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